scrap car removals

Top Reasons Why Cars Get Scrapped

As much as cars are loved and cherished worldwide, there does come a time when a car has essentially lived out its life and needs to be dealt with in manner that doesn’t affect the environment or the surroundings a lot. Maybe you have a project car standing on jackstands for the past year or two that isn’t getting done, or perhaps your grandfather’s old Mustang has finally had its day and now needs to go out. Despite its sentimental value, sometimes, it is better to recycle and scrap a car, since there are many reasons to do so, and it is quite beneficial. In this blog post, we will look at some of the top reasons why cars get scrapped, and why doing so might be beneficial in a good majority of cases. 

Scrapping your car with Noble Towing is the best option you have, especially in Canada’s Richmond Hill and Vaughan districts. Noble Towing gets you the best offers when it comes to cash for clunkers, cash for junk cars and the best for towing services, should you ever need them. From towing to recycling to scrapping junk cars, Noble Towing provides an exemplary set of services for all your needs. 

Now, lets start by discussing some of the top reasons why cars may get scrapped. 

scrap car removal richmond

Top Reasons Why Cars Get Scrapped

Maybe the car is too old now, maybe you don’t want it to go to the heartless insurance people who will total it without a moment’s hesitation or its just time to let the project car go and have an afterlife rather than spend its life out on jackstands. Whatever the reason is, scrapping cars can be beneficial for both yourself and the environment. Lets look at the top reasons why cars get scrapped. 

  • Repairs Cost More Than the Entire Car

If your car is worth more as a non-runner, then it’s probably time to consider sending it to scrap. Many people find themselves spending increasingly large amounts of money on repairing their vehicle the longer they have it, and eventually those costs start to amount to a higher number than the car is actually worth. Once you hit that point, then you’ll find that scrapping your car is an excellent option, as it’s still likely to net you some profit. Whether you’re vehicle is old, failed its MOT or damaged, we’ll offer you a competitive quote.

  • Insurance has Written off Your Car as Totaled

If your car has been declared a write off, then it’s likely it’s either beyond repair, or too expensive to try to fix. You can find out more about what it means if your car is a write off with our guide, but in general, it’s not good news for your vehicle and probably a good time to see how much it would be worth for scrap instead. Read more on insurance write offs in our Buy Back Hub, and find the best solution for you.

  • Getting Rid of the Car But Not Wanting the Hassle of Selling

Selling a car can be a nuisance – valeting the vehicle, contacting dealers, arranging viewings, or taking photos, listing it yourself and haggling with private buyers. All of this takes time and energy that you may just not have. Scrapping the car or arranging for it to be collected for salvage can be as easy as the click of a few buttons (jump to the ‘how to scrap your car’ section to find out how) and your car could be picked up and gone the very next day.

  • Car has Lost its Worth and Wont Sell for Much

Even if you do have the patience to arrange a sale, you could find that your car just isn’t even worth enough money to make the effort of a private sale worth your while. If your car is older, run down, battered or requires extensive repairs, it may be a better use of your time, and better for your wallet, to arrange for it to be scrapped.

  • Car is Missing Some Important or Crucial Parts

Car parts can be valuable, so some people strip items off their vehicles with the aim of selling them individually or reusing them in the future. This will then leave the ‘shell’ of a car that can’t run or function and is perfectly suited to scrap. Even if the car is just missing a few parts, it might still make more sense from a cost and effort perspective to simply arrange for it to be collected and either scrapped or salvaged.

  • You Have no Need Left for the Vehicle Anymore

There are lots of reasons you may not need your vehicle any more – perhaps you’ve upgraded to a new car, have moved somewhere with better public transport links, don’t have room to store it or you’re unable to drive any more. Whatever the reason, if you’re not up for finding a new owner for it yourself, then selling for scrap or salvage is a quick and effective way to get rid of the vehicle.

  • The Engine Doesn’t Perform Efficiently Anymore

Fuel inefficient cars can prove extremely expensive over time, particularly with petrol prices at an all-time high in the UK. Another case of the car being more expensive to keep than to scrap, many people have found themselves in the position of spending too much money having to fill their inefficient car too often. With the desirability of electric and hybrid technology, as well as advancements in fuel efficiency for newer vehicles, you may struggle to sell an older car, leaving scrapping as an effective alternative.

  • You Want to Dispose of it Quickly and Hassle-Free

Once you know you’re ready to sell your car for scrap, just head over to our Car Scrap Value calculator to compare prices from over 120 buyers. Within 30 seconds we’ll show you how much your car would be worth, with no hidden charges and free collection. Once you’ve selected the best option for you, you can arrange a collection and the car is good to go.

scrap car removals

Why Noble Towing is Your Best Choice for Scrapping Your Car?

Got a scrap car that you would like removed from your property? Well, Noble Towing is here with the best scrap car removal service in Richmond Hill that offers a good cashback for your scrap car. Whether you have an old SUV, truck, sedan or coupe that you want gone, we’ll take it and offer you an amazing quote for it. We will recycle your car from inside out, and repurpose it into machines and even new cars and vehicles, helping the environment as well as conserving finite resources. Scrap cars standing in landfills and occupying space can be a menace for both the environment and for homeowners looking to maximise their space, and so, our service pays good cash and takes them off your hand for a better and noble cause: keeping the environment clean and safe!

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